Alerte: Promoter with “Sticky Fingers” Fake Credit Card
Nous publions ce texte pour que tout le monde sache qui est
Georges Gsmooth Laguerre qui se fait passer pour membre du Staff de Ky-mani Marley. Il opère sous plusieurs noms d'entreprise : 1200 Entertainment & Management, Inc., Black Wolf Ent., Double 00. Il a plusieurs escroqueries à son actif.
December 11, 2006 by The Buzz
This e-mail was sent to me by Icon Graphics. They are one if not the cheapest graphic designers in the business, so why would a promoter try to get over on their prices is beyond me.
Icon Graphics:
In August George “GSmooth” Laguerre, called us to do a job for Q Style. We did it and delivered. He paid with two credit cards with different names. I found it odd, but some people do give others their credit cards to make payments, so I did not say anything since he had the security code also…
In October, I got a charge-back in my account and it said that one of the credit cards was not authorized. Now you know how identity theft is serious, my merchant is asking me to fax all pertinent information about “who, what, when, etc…” so they can investigate and report to the FBI (who handles these things now).
I did not want to do that since people do make mistakes, so I warned the guy about the situation, and I would just ignore everything if he paid the amount owed to us…
But after two months of hearing “I am going to Cam now, don’t worry I am sending it”, I just got fed up, and did what I had to do, before they start thinking that I do this kind of thing for people who steal or something…
When I called a member of Q Style, he told me that guy is a thief and liar, and they don’t deal with him anymore. People have hired the band, given their deposits, he then pockets it and refuse to pay the band their dues..Since there is two side to every story, I would have given him the benefit of doubt, but after my experience with this guy I tend to believe this Q Style member.
So my fellow HMI, beware of this guy. If he comes to you accept only CASH….Never Credit cards, and if you hire a band he works for be very careful with that too.
Le groupe MYSTIK 703 va entamer une poursuite contre cet escroc qui lui a extorqué 2000 $US.
Georges Gsmooth Laguerre est un escroc recherché qui ne donne pas l'adresse de son bureau. Il fonctionne par boite postale : PO BOX 681858 - N. Miami, FL 33168. Il répond au 305-557-5785 mais donne ordinairement un faux numéro de téléphone. Il a plusieurs E-mail dont celui-ci sur yahoo :
Si vous avez plus d'info sur cet individu, veuillez les poster sur le net pour que tout le monde puisse prendre les précautions qui s'imposent.
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