Creole Hip Hop Defined
From www.zoeentertainment.comWe are happy to take the time to share with all, CREOLE Hip Hop and it’s definition. CREOLE Hip Hop is the sign of evolution in the Haitian community expressed in many ways but primarily through lyrics in the native Creole language. The Haitian American experience is what we call this movement of Creole Hip Hop because the very foundation of an expressed lyrical style began in America.
Hip Hop is a culture that is energized by expression and change of one generation to the next. The creators of this culture are the youth. It is safe to say that we have witnessed the culture of Hip Hop transform the African American community from teachers and bus drivers to multi=billionaire NBA Franchise owners. It is also vital that we bear witness to the popularity of Hip Hop as it has traveled as far as the great walls of China.
Creole Hip Hop has grown and is changing the perception of Haitian Creole speaking people everyday. It is not the music that is the sole force of Creole Hip hop, it’s the spirit of change for prosperity that transforms Creole rap lingual into the Creole Hip Hop movement.
By Musa Toussaint
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